Tuesday, May 18, 2010

AWANA Award Program

Awana yellow
Sunday night we had an awards program at the church. It was my first year helping with AWANA and I had the Sparks. These are K-2nd grade and these kids are so full of energy. 95%of them were boys! Several said their verses and did a great job doing so.

Harley - this is my faithful little girl and she has attached herself to me. She even challenged me this year, she would not say her Bible verse until I said it first. Now the books of the Bible were challenging for both of us but we did it! She is VERY shy but I did talk her into saying a Bible verse in front of the church. I just reminded her that I would be there and that I knew she could do it! She is so cute!!

Austin - now this child also pulls my heart strings. He said John 3:16 for us and did such a great job. Now Austin may never learn all the things that other kids will learn, but he has learned many Bible verses this year, even when he had people telling his mother that it just couldn't be done. I was going to prove them wrong and with Jinny & I both working with him, he completed his first book! WAY TO GO AUSTIN. After the Sparks got finished he was sitting next to me. I had to get on to my son and I looked at Ethan and said, with that look in my eye "Do you want me to take you outside?" and Austin immediately said, yes, I want to go outside! Sort of broke my focus there! And Austin told me he wanted to go sit with Mimi, I told him to give me one minute and he could, he said okay. Then he looked at me again and said he wanted to go, I said give me one more minute and he help up his fingers and said "Two". Even he knows what are doing!

Dalton - my new little friend. Dalton's family came after the first of the year. I felt so bad for Dalton when he only got the participant certificate, but I reminded him that there was no doubt in my mind that he would complete both books next year, because he was doing such a fantastic job this year. He would rather learn verses and work on getting those jewels and his wings that play! He enjoyed staying with me for me to help him and I loved that too! He was so funny as we were waiting for the others to get through, he kept pulling at something in his hair and said he thought he had a tick, so here I go looking in his head and trying to see anything, but nothing there - WHEW! I told him that if there had been a tick I may have screamed. He just laughed.

I love all the kids and was truly blessed to be able to help this year in AWANA. But it is time to step aside and throw myself fully into the Sunday School and Children's Church - we are revamping and I get the fun job of searching for cirruculum and everything to go into a rotation process for the kids. We will take one theme and teach 4/5 ways in the month. They will get drama/movie/games/art and possibly storytelling of the same lesson in the month, so we are getting them grounded in the Bible. Loving the new approach and can't wait to post pictures of when we redo/repaint the children's area. This will be done by September 5.

And then there is VBS in between. Egypt, we are getting ready to build the palace! This too is going to be so much fun. Guess I need to post about the many hats that a preacher's wife wears....

Will be leaving tomorrow to go see Paxston. Driving to Great Lakes with Jordan - keep us in your prayers!

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