Sunday, February 28, 2010

With the possibility....

With the possibility of snow tomorrow I thought I would share snow pictures from the last time. The first time it snowed here this year we were in Chicago, and NO SNOW! So I was SO EXCITED when the next snow came. Nobody loves to take pictures like me (well probably somebody) so I will share my pictures. I was so excited I didn't even wear a coat, surprisingly I didn't get cold. I was walking all over the place taking pictures, and living next to a graveyard has it's perks - its BEAUTIFUL in the snow.
Enjoy these pictures, just in case I don't get to take any on Wednesday.
Now I was having a very peaceful moment in the graveyard, looking at the deer tracks in the snow, enjoying the peacefulness of the moment when all of a sudden "MAMA" - here is Ethan, coming to find me. My heart hit the snow! So now it was time to go back inside (after I take pictures from every angle of the yard) to wake Crickette up and get outside with the kids so we can try and make a snowman.

Well the snow was to fluffy to make a snowman or to slide down the hill, so we just made snowballs to throw. I told them to throw them at me, but to the left or right so I could take pictures. Of course I was hit on the glasses. But we did have fun. Always have to make some scrapbook moments!

Sorry there were so many to look at, but they do get hard to choose from.
Oh, there were some rather large paw prints around the front of the house. Wonder if Jacob came to check on us?? HA HA
Ethan did come tell me that he was getting ready to go outside and I could come take pictures if I wanted to! He just really wanted to slide down the hill. It just didn't work!


  1. I LOVE love LOVE the snow pictures!!!! The LORD granted me snow this year!!! We were in the north GA mountains and I loved EVERY minute of it! Then...we had to come home :) Not much snow in Florida! :)

    Thank you for your sweet comments on my blog!
    Blessings on your family!!!

  2. I saw that random Twilight reference in there!I love to read and re-read those books :)
