Half way to the weekend.
Not starting the day off too well, can't find my cell phone. I know I had it last night when I went to a Thirty-One party but now....nowhere! And of course since the battery only last half a day, it's dead. I do love my Palm Pre - but I will say that the battery is half day, so I don't really recommend it.
So excited about the weekend. We are going on a Motorcycle overnighter! Going to Cherokee to spend the night. I am not sure how many couples this time, but we do have so much fun. I haven't even checked the weather yet. All I can really think about is how cute my little brown bag with blue polka-dots is going to look on the rack behind me. Now that I no longer have my pink helmet, I have to add some kind of cuteness to the trip! Ethan will be spending the night with a friend - so woo hoo!! Crickette will enjoy the quietness of the house and have the TV remote all to herself, so I know she will get caught up on her shows that she has recorded and not had time to watch.
Well can't think of much else going on. Hope you are having a great week!
Oh yes, Blockbuster has a really good deal going on right now. Manager's special (but not sure if it is all over) 2 drinks, 2 new releases, 2 candy & 2 popcorn for $16.95. You can also get the 2 drinks, 2 candy & 2 popcorn for $6 bucks - throw in a $10 gift card and put it in their cute little holder and it makes a great gift!!
I hope you have an amazing trip this weekend!!! I love going to Cherokee! We are headed up there in September for the Lady Antebellum concert! :)