1) great weeked - Super BUSY
a. Friday, drove to almost Kentucky to deliver Coondogs! Finally sold them. We were going to borrow a truck but couldn't get us all inside and clean out the back so we took them in my truck - NOTE: Covered back end... so we flipped up the back seat and put blankets down and let the dogs ride with us. It really wasn't so bad! Made it to the Kentucky line and back in time to go on a motorcycle ride with friends. There were 9 bikes that rode up north to eat. Yes, we forgot to look at weather and got a little wet, but it was a great night!
b. Saturday, Ethan's party day. We took Ethan and a friend to Build-a-bear! Great think is I had a get a bear free (well up to $12 off a bear) and then another coupon for $5 off, so each one got a bear. It was fun. They decided McDonald's would be enough for supper! Yea for me!
c. Sunday, Happy Birthday Ethan. Noting really special. Great message at Church, lunch, Painted room downstairs and moveed Crickette's furniture downstairs, moved Ethan into Crickette's room so he will have a TV. Then back to church.
It was a great weekend!
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