Tuesday, June 22, 2010


Sorry it has been so long, we are in the midst of VBS. It's great! Posting the set pictures, we started last Tuesday building and got finished on Friday night.

We have so much talent here! And the set is built from Styrofoam sheets!
I can't wait to post pictures of all the volunteers, they have dressed to the part and look fabulous!

Theme: Joseph' journey from prison to palace.

Sunday night:
Ethan - "Joesph escaped from the prison"
Me - "No he didn't"
Ethan - "Yes he did, I saw him in the gym!"


  1. Wow!!!! The set looks amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!! I looooved VBS when I was younger!! So much fun! :) I really meant to volunteer at VBS this year but I didn't get to. Hopefully next year I can.

  2. Those decorations are so cute. I love the hippos. VBS is my favorite time of year. It's so fun.

  3. We are having a blast! 90 kids last night!
