Friday, February 26, 2010

The Crazy Cycle

Going to copy my blog from Daily Gems from God's Jewelry Box. This is what I am experiencing for me now in my life. If it applies to you, I challenge you to get this book and read along with me, if we get enough we need to have discussions on it. I will be letting you in on my insights. Enjoy!

Gen. 32:26
And he said, Let me go, for the day breaketh . And he said, I will not let thee go, except thou bless me.

Wrestling with God, this is something that I don't think we really have considered doing with God, but after Sunday's sermon the thought crossed my mind. I realized that I have never had one of those moments with God, so I decided I would take hold of God and not let go till I am changed.
Monday I went to Christian Supply and stood face to face with God at the checkout. I saw the book Love & Respect. And God said - "Ready to be changed"? I bought the book and am now ready to hold on to Him through this book and I am looking forward to being changed.
After two chapters I am already seeing me in this book and how I have my shortfalls and how I am caught in this cycle of my marriage where I have hindered my relationship with my husband more than I have helped it. We have not had an awful marriage, in fact its been a good marriage, but I am looking forward to the best years being those that are coming up.
I challenge you to get this book and read it. Be ready to be changed.


  1. You Wrote...

    "I decided I would take hold of God and not let go till I am changed."

    WOW!! That is a powerful passionate HEART Cry!! I hear you!! I join you in this quest! (As soon as I get the book, I'll even share what He shows me and how He's changing me!)

    I've pondered this verse often from time to time. I have wrestled with God and I have allowed Him to hear my desperate HEART cry for HIS anointed BLESSING!! Now is the time...for such a time as this. Thank you for sounding the Battle Cry... I stand arm in arm with you!! Let's take HOLD of all that God has designed for us - through His HOLY plan for our lives and those He has placed within our care; our responsibility, and our influence.

    Thank you so much for visiting my Blogvilla Vineyard - I look forward to getting to know you. God always has a plan for his followers. I pray that God will send those He wants me to interact with - to my blog. That means - the Lord brought us together :0 and I am thankful for what He is about to do in and with our lives as they are entwined in HIS Blogvilla Vineyard!

    Keep Growing Closer to Jesus
    the watchman on the wall
    Patrina <"))><

  2. We are wrestling now; ) actually i am wrestling with me. The Lord is waiting to see if I will ask Him into the battle. b
