Saturday, January 16, 2010


Why do Saturday's seem to be about getting everything finished from what you didn't do through the week. I am sure as soon as I open the file that Amber sent me on getting organized, I will be able to have a Saturday to do just whatever I want - which will probably include alot of time on the blogging sites and meeting new friends!

Anyway, I really wanted to do my Love/Hate list but I realize that this may take time for me to post pictures and time is not what I have right now...I have laundry that is screaming out to me, but the neat thing is that I hear the wax machine also calling out my name and that I won't mind sitting down to. Now if I could convince Crickette that her scissors are also trying to tame the mane. You know it's time for a trim when your six year old tell you "You look like the Lion from Madagascar". So maybe its time to think about what really needs to be done!

Gotta hit the grocery at some point, why do all recipes call for milk or eggs just when you have run out of both? Weird isn't it.

Okay so here is hoping that you have a productive Saturday. Right now I have a very important task to attend to - Ethan is having trouble collecting all coins in World 3-1 on Super Mario Bros. WII, so I guess right now I need to be the hero....

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